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"Energetic, inspiring, creative and always biblically based--you will not be disappointed having Andrea speak at your next conference or event."
- John Merritt, Founding Pastor of CrossWinds Church, Author of Don't Blink: The Life You Won't Want to Miss

Upcoming events:

Upcoming Events

July 14-20, 2024

Mount Hermon Family CampSpeaker

Sept. 13-14, 2024

Lead Bold Conference

October 22-24, 2024

Exponential West

To watch a CrossWinds Church service where Andrea is teaching, click here or here

"Andrea can reach across multiple generations.  Her presence bridges the gap, including everyone in her audience."
- Women's Retreat Attendee



Created Uniquely, called by name.

In today’s world, there are more and more opportunities to make an eternal difference. But all this opportunity can evoke a deer-in-headlights sort of response. Sometimes we feel like our passion can get stalled out because we are confused about our purpose. God intended for each of us to discover our unique calling, and equipped us with everything we need to accomplish the plans He has for us. Let’s celebrate how God created us uniquely and knows us by name.


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your obligations or under-qualified for what lies ahead? Do you ever long for more direction in your life? Join us for a weekend that gets to the heart of what it means to follow Jesus. Not a list of conditions. Not a measuring stick for spirituality. But an invitation to walk with the One who leads us to a life overflowing with grace-filled purpose.


Much of what we face in life is out of our control and can feel like it's zapping the joy out of us.  It's easy to feel like a victim of our circumstance, like we have gotten stopped in our tracks by what we're up against.  But God doesn't leave us there.  He is a God of unstoppable joy.  As we embrace His truth in this we'll find hope and renewal.


Do you ever feel like your relationship with God has become routine?  Or like you’ve settled into the status quo, and you wonder if this is as good as it gets?  Or maybe you just don’t know what the next step in your faith should be. This retreat is all about how God has MORE for you. We have a God who is always able to surprise us with the depth of who He is, but so often we miss out on experiencing all that He has for us. During our weekend together, we’ll talk about some specific areas of our lives where God is ready and willing to be the MORE that we are looking for.


Trust, believe, enjoy, rest, be, breathe.

Chaotic. Busy. Rushed. Overwhelmed. Distracted. Words we wish didn’t describe our lives, but too often they do. What would it be to stop?  Not to drop everything, but to intentionally step into the space of peace and pause. While we’re there we may discover it’s more than a place to visit, it’s a place to live. When we are centered in this way we experience anew God’s unconditional love and grace.


Sometimes a two letter word can change everything. Many of us have gotten into a pattern of me: I have to fix this, I can only depend on myself, I am in this alone. But God’s way for us is in the we: we are all flawed, we can help each other, we are in this together. Creating a spiritual community is about embracing unity with honesty…taking our walls down and getting real.


What if you were given the chance to step outside of expectations, requirements and rules?  What if, even for one day, you let your constraints come undone?  Now imagine a whole life lived in that freedom…all day, everyday. During our retreat, we will take an in-depth look at what the Bible says about God’s grace infiltrating our lives on every level. We’ll discover a life-giving power that equips us to live fully and live freely.

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